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Join The Rockcastle Karst Conservancy
We Can't Do It Without You
Cavers nationwide are feeling the threat of increased cave closures (WNS, government land closings, and land owner issues). The Rockcastle Karst Conservancy protects Kentucky’s karst environments and supports access to caves in the Rockcastle County region. We currently own properties cavers know and love to visit, such as Great Saltpeter Cave in Rockcastle County and Misty Cave in Jackson County. We have even secured ongoing access to Goochland Cave!.
Misty Cave Entrance
Help us grow, protect, and preserve caves for cavers. Join other cavers, from your grotto  and others, The National Speleological Society, and concerned individuals, by becoming a member today

Membership Options

There are many ways to join and support the RKC:.

Individual Regular Memberships

Regular Memberships are $15 per fiscal year (April 1st to March 31st). This includes voting privileges.

Join RKC here

Membership class
Life memberships

A one time payment of $300 results in a life membership to RKC. Life members have all the rights as regular members and will receive a free RKC life member T-Shirt

Buy a Life Membership Now.

Sustaining Memberships

Our new program where you can contribute $5 to $50 Dollars in small easy increments charged to your credit card each month through Pay Pal.  This creates a monthly income to help RKC pursue new cave and karst acquisitions and allows us to apply for mortgages!

 Without this kind of steady and dependable support, it would be much more difficult to carry out our program of cave acquisition and protection

Sign Up for a Sustaining Membership Now.
(Select an option from the pull-down menu below.)

Pick Amount to donate every month
Joining By Mail

New Memberships by mail are always welcome! Funds can be sent to:

RKC Treasurer - Werner Jud
1044 Vacationland Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45231-4749

Please mark your check 'RKC New Membership' and be sure to add your address.

Institutional Memberships

Institutional memberships for groups that would like to support the RKC are also available.

Supporting Member - Non profit, grottos and youth organizations. $25/year

Supporting Member - All other organizations $50/year

Please contact our treasurer if you are interested in these memberships