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Renewing your membership with the
Rockcastle Karst Conservancy
We Can't Do It Without You

Keeping your membership up to date with the RKC is important. Your renewed membership will aid our land acquisitions by delivering a consistent source of revenue for RKC to utilize when opportunities arise.

Cavers are losing access everyday to the caves we love. Your renewals will create new karst preserves and open up access to caves.

Annual Membership renewals are payable on or before April 1st of every year.

Goochland Cave near the Corn Hole Entrance

Renewal Options

There are many ways to join and support the RKC:

Renew your Individual Regular Membership

Regular Memberships are $15 per fiscal year (April 1st to March 31st). This includes voting privileges.

Renew with RKC here

Membership class
Sustaining Memberships

The new Sustaining membership is a simple way to support Kentucky’s Karst Conservancy. By having a small monthly amount ($5, $10, or more) charged to your credit card you keep the RKC moving forward in its efforts to be the leading non-profit organization in owning and protecting significant cave and karst resources.

Without this kind of steady and dependable support, it would be much more difficult to carry out our program of cave acquisition and protection

If you support our mission and would like to upgrade from a current individual membership, or are a current life member and are seeking a way to continue to support the RKC consider starting a supporting membership

Sign Up for a Sustaining Membership Now.
(Select an option from the pull-down menu below.)

Pick Amount to donate every month
Life memberships

We always welcome new Life members, whether you are a new or renewing a membership. If you agree with what we have done with our conservancy and want to ramp up your support consider a one time 300$ payment to join our Life membership ranks (and receive a RKC T-Shirt)!

Buy a Life Membership Now.

Renewing By Mail

Renewals by mail are always welcome! Funds can be sent to;

RKC Treasurer - Werner Jud
1044 Vacationland Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45231-4749

Please mark your check "RKC membership Renewal"

 Renewing Institutional Memberships

Institutional memberships for groups that would like to support the RKC are also available.

    Supporting Member - Non profit, grottos, and youth organizations: $25/year

    Supporting Member - All other organizations: $50/year

Please contact our membership chair if you are interested in these memberships